Sunday, May 4, 2008



#Have you used automatic testing tools. Which ones?

If you never have seen automation tools before, do not try to fool around the interviewer. You produce a bad impression when "caught" on lying to the interviewer. However, if you ever used the automation tools, it would be a huge advantage for us to mention them even if those tools were proprietary automation tools of your previous company. Be prepared then to answer general automation testing questions.

#How would you build a test with WinRunner? Rational Visual Test?

First of all, see the comments to the previous question. Then, all automation testing tools I ever heard of have a GUI recorder which allows you to record the basic user interactions with the software underneath. Then, you manually update your initial script to suit your needs. You must know scripting language of the automation tool for that.

#What is considered a good test?

1.A good test must ensure error-free and reliable functioning of the software.
2. A good test must be completed in optimum time and cost.
3. Not redundant.
4. The probablity of finding an error is minimised to a great extent.

#How would you conduct a test: top-down or down-top? What is it? Which one is better?

Down-Top: unit -> interface -> system. Top-Down is a vice versa. You may use both, but down-top allows to discover malfunctioning at earlier phases of development and cheaper to fix than in the case of top-down.

#How to develop a test plan ? How to develop a test case?

Test plan consists of test cases. Test cases you develop according to requirement and design documents of the unit, system etc. You may be asked what would you do if you are not provided with requirements documents. Then, you start creating your test cases based on functionality of the system. You should mention that this is a bad practice since there is no way to compare that what you got is what you planned to create.

#How do you see a QA role in the product development life cycle?

QA should be involved in early stages of the development process in order to create an adequate test cases and better general understanding of the system. QA, however, must be separated from the development team to ensure that there is no influence of developers on QA engineers. As a last resort before shipping product to the customer, QA has great level of responsibility for the quality of the product and image of the company on the market.

#What is the size of your executable?

Size of release or size of executabe referes to the Kilo line of the code (number of line written for the application )is mentioned in the kilo line , we can eloborate this as

Eg for a module A Total line =(coded line+ commented line +blank line )

in which the No. of blank lines can be ignored

#What version of Oracle database did you use?

Oracle 8i.

#How would you execute a SQL query in Oracle 8?

Again, if you ever worked with Oracle, this question should be trivial for you to answer (from command prompt, of course) If you never worked with Oracle, note politely that you did not touch an Oracle database on your career path.

#What version of OS were you using?

Tell whatever you want - you can't be caught here. Popular answers are Windows 95/98, Windows 2000 (make sure you know various flavors) and various Unix flavors (AIX, Solaris, SunOS, HPUX etc.)


#Have you tested front-end of back-end?

In other word you are asked if you tested GUI part of the application or server part of your application.

#What was the most difficult problem you ever found while testing?

Sometimes some bugs are not reproducible, this is the worst case i feel when that bug not get fixed.

#What were you responsible to test in your previous company?

As a tester understand the requirements well and preparing the test cases ,executing the test cases and reporting the results

#Why do you like to test?

You enjoy bug hunting process, feel great being between developers and customers, your background and experience are targeting the testing techniques enhancements and you feel proud of your contribution to the whole development process.

#What role do you see yourself in 2-3 years from now? Would you want to become a developer?

You should not concentrate the attention of the interviewer on your wish to become a developer. You are being hired for testing role and you should demonstrate reliability. Team lead of QA team is OK, but do not answer yes when asked if you are willing to become a developer.

#How would you conduct your test?

Each test is based on the technical requirements of the software product.

#What is the difference between testing and debugging?

debugging done in the devlopment phase by the devlopers.

testing is conducted by the testers in testing phase.

in devlopment phase devloper fixes the bug (i.e)called debugging

in testing phase tester will finds the bug (i.e)called testing to improve the quality of the product

#Could you test a program 100%? 90%? Why?

No you cannot test a program 100% because :

The number of inputs to a program is very large

The number of outputs to a program is very large

A tester does not have that much of time to test for each and every input conditions.

Hence it is said that testing is a risk based exercise and you have to attain a state where you neither overtest or undertest a program.

#When does testing begin - requirements, plan, design, code / testing phase?

Testing begins at the requirements itself.It starts with Acceptance test plan at requirements phase and is involved along plan,design,coding....

#What bug tracking system did you use?

Again and again, it does not matter what bug tracking system did you use if you made your homework and invented the name of such or mentioned a standard one. You may say you've used proprietary bug tracking system (works especially well if you previous company was this way or another dealing with databases) or you may say Test Director, Clarify, ClearCase, VisualTest etc.

Part 3:

#What is considered a successful test?

A test that discovered more errors. The whole purpose of testing process is to discover as many bugs and errors as possible. Test that covers more functionality and discovers more errors in your software product, therefore considered more successful.

#How would you test a mug (chair/table/gas station etc.)?

First of all you must demand requirements and functional specification and design document of the mug. There will find requirements like ability to hold hot water, waterproof, stability, break ability and so on. Then you should test the mug according to all documents.

#What is defect density?

The ratio of the number of defects to program length.

Number of Defects

Defct Dencity = ---------------------------------

Lines Of Code(Program Length)

#What is the difference between structural and functional testing?

Structural is a "white box" testing and based on the algorithm or code. Functional testing is a "black box" (behavioral) testing where the tester verifies the functional specification.

#What is a bug? What types of bugs do you know?

Bug is a error during execution of the program. There are two types of bugs: syntax and logical.

#What is the difference between bug priority & bug severity?

Priority tells U how Important the bug is.

Severity tells U how bad the bug is.

Severity is constant....whereas priority might change according to schedule.

#what is the difference between retest and regression testing?

Retesting:testing the same application to make sure that it does not create any defects and if it does creat defects we r going to fix the bugs and then comes regression other words retesting is performed to ensure that if at all the bugs were found we r going to perform regression testing.this means that retesting and regression testing are performed in a cyclic process or chain process.

Retesting: testing the application before enhancements or changes or fixing the bugs. Regression testing:testing the component/system/appl after fixing the bugs or after some changes or enhancements.

#Difference between QA and QC?

simple definitions are:

QA:assurance for process we r going to follow certain quality standards and strive for process improvement.we r not going to deal with product.the intension is to follow good quality standards.if we follow these automatically we are going to produce better/best product. that means we are following prevention mechanism where we are going to follow the proverb"prevention is better than cure".that means instead not following the standards and releasing a worst product and then following its better to follow earlier.

QC:control of the product.after finding defects we are going to rectify. it is quite reverse to QA.we r curing the defects. best examples for these QA ,QC are traffic rules.

#What is the difference between testing and quality assurance (QA)?

QA: A set of support activitites needed to provide adequate confidence that process are defined and continuously improved in order to produce products that confirms specification and are fit for use.QC: Process in product quality is compared with an applicable standards and action is taken if any non confirmance is detected.

Part 4:

#What is the testing process?

Testing process is not only verifying the expected output, but also the expected behavior.

#What is the Difference Between Rational Robot & WinRunner ?

Rational Robot :- 1. Developed by IBM and is a part Rational Rose Suite 2 . Its Test Script is Similar to VB 3 . Only 1 kind of Recording [Simple Recording]WinRunnner :- 1. Developed by Mercury Interactive 2. Its Test Script is Similar to VC++ 3. 2 Kinds of Recording [Context & Analog]

#How do we do calculation testing in banking ferm?

Do following steps in this regard-1- Write macros in the excel sheet as per the business logic.2- Provide input and validate the output.This is the simplest way to avoid repeated steps. The only effort you have to put in is to write the macros. But one has to be well smart in converting business logic into Macros.I hope this would help...Regards,Alankar

#what are the steps in volved in sanity testing?

Sanity testing is same as smoke testing. It involves intial testing of the application or module just make sure wether it is stable enough to start testing. Mostly used as a bench mark to gather the readiness of the application for automated testing

#Security testing and Performance testing on Communication interface

Security testing is basically done from the access point of view.As all users should not have access to all parts of the application and to the database.For Example end users will have a view ofthe database they can't modify or inser any data.where as a DBA has all the previliges.Permissions are granted according to the roles of the users at various levels and tsing need's to be done for it.For major secured applicationsthis testing plays a major role.

performance testing is done to measure the best utilised CPU time with the best output when concurrent users acces the application simultaniously.Depending on the application 50 ,100,150 .... users act as end users and start processing the application and compare the outputs obtained.

#What is stage containment in testing?

the defect will be solved at the stage it was found.Advantage of stage containment is it will decrease the cost of quality(coq),if we debug the defect wherever it was found rather finding it in the next stages.

#What is smoke testing?

To check maximum number of functionalities with minimum number of test cases. Only important functionalities need to be tested(checking show stoppers.)

#What is Random Testing?

Random data tests confort the application under test with input data generated at random.Typically,testers pay no attention to expect data types.They feed a random sequence of numbers,letters & characters into nummeric data field.

#what is the difference between smoke testing and sanity testing

sanity test is called as Test Acceptence test and it will be done to check whether the application coming for testing is full filling basic functionality which it supposed to have....

Smoke test is conducted after sanity test , the purpose is whether there is any danger or smoke if we accept the application for test... Sanity test is done in Positive percerption and smoke is done in terms of negative perception...

Part 5:

What are the types of functional testing?

Functional Testing

  • Integration Testing
  • Smoke testing / Sanity testing
  • System Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • User Acceptance Testing
    • Alpha Testing
    • Beta Testing
  • Globalization Testing
  • Localization Testing

Non-Functional Testing

  • Performance Testing
    • Stress Testing
    • Volume Testing
    • Load Testing
    • Endurance Testing
    • Scalability Testing
  • Compatibility Testing
  • Data Conversion Testing
  • Security / Penetration

#What is the major problem did you resolve during testing process

1) The major problems I faced when Testing.As I am doing web based Testing1) The network speed was solve and hence could not proceed2) Browser Compatibility was not there and hence I could not test on firefoxI hope this answer is

#What is the most challenging situation you had during testing

The most challenging situation during testing is identifying whether the data is right or wrong and the initial understanding of the functionality of the application.

#How to write Negative Testcase?Give ex.

-ve Test Cases are the Testcases supplies INPUTS which will definitely results in ERROR CAUGHT EXCEPTION....


that exception is already taken care by the developers then an ALERT Message (JAVASCRIPT part) indicating errors will be displayed


the found errors should be supplied to the developers so that it can be rectified inorder to get full functionality.

+ve Test Cases are the TestCases supplies INPUTS that will completes the process successfully.

#What is QA? What is Testing? Are they both same or different?

QA and Testing are integral part of the system. Testing is one of the phases in QA. In testing one deals with the detecting errors in behaviour and structure of the coding.

QA ensures desired output of product meeting all the required specifications of the project.

#What test plans have you written?

Master Test plan is usually prepared by QA Lead. Testers write Test Cases, which in some organizations are called as Test Plans.

#What will you when you find a bug?

1)Execute some more tests, to make clear what the bug EXCATLY is. Suppose, the test case failed when State=NY and Class=Business. Tester has to exceute some more tests to find out whether the problem is with Just 'NY' state or with just 'Business' class or with both of them together.

2) Report the bug

Part 6:

#Who approved your test cases?

It depends on the organization. QA Lead, if present, will approve the test cases. Otherwise, Peer Reviews are a good way of evaluating the test cases.

#How do you know when you have enough test cases to adequately test a software system or module?

This can be determined by 1) Risk Analysis of the present system 2) Test Metrics of the previous similar project. If the previous similar project had 100 test cases, which could adequately test the system, and if your present system is 20% enhanced, 130-140 test cases may now do the job.

#What is peer review in practical terms?

Test cases written by a QA engineer will be reviewed (for correctness) by fellow QA Engineer.

#How can you know if a test case is necessary?

When the testcase checks any funtionality specified in requirements it is must and important

#What are all the key factors to write system test plan?

BRS is the key factor to write system test plan

#what is the Test server

A test server is the server running the application in test. for example we have a LIVE SERVER and TEST server. The proto type of the application would be on the test server and then after testing it would go live on the LIVE server.

#What is Difference Between QA plan and Test Plan?

QA is more over prevention thing which works towards non occurance of error- were as tesplan come s in testin i.e in quality control which works towards how to identify defects/errors

#what is contained in srs?,give a sample srs.what is cohesive testing and span control?

srs means software Requirement Specification.

It includes functional requirements to be dveloped & system rquirements to be used.

Part 7:

#what is the difference between UAT and system testing?

System Testing: Finding the defects, when the system is tested as a whole, this also called as end to end testing. In this testing, tester needs to test the application from log-in to log-out.

UAT: User acceptance testing is to get the acceptance from the client. UAT is generally done at client's environment. Before UAT pre UAT should be done.

#Explain security related things are to be considered in Banking domin

  1. Make sure that the website runs in https.
  2. Make sure that you have 128 bit encryption done.
  3. Make sure that your SSL is of latest version (SSL 3.0).

All these can be achieved / tested when you use old version of browser and new version of the same. For example, you can download IE 4.0 from Microsoft website that will not have 128 bit encryption. Then you need to download / install this encryption from Microsoft website and check the same website. In this way you can test whether your banking site is secure! All the best!

#What is integration test plan?

integration testing plan can be done in 2 ways

1. Top-down approach

2. Bottom-up approach

#what is bad defect?

Defect: Of course all Low/Medium/High defects are DEFECTS.

But BAD Defect could be the one comes in higher severity which may affect the crash the system. But the one comes under typo also a defect but never crashes the system...

#what is monkey testing

it is called a Ad-hoc testing.Ad-hoc means with out knowing any test case it can excute it.

In monkey testing we wont have any documents or planning for the testing process ,randomnly testing the apllication.

#What is ticketing or error raising process?

usually in most of the companies the term ticket is used as synonym for a bug during testing.

so the process of raising an error is called as ticketting. generally whenever a tester encounters a bug during testing he will raise an SFR for that particular bug and against that sfr a brief description will be written as under what conditions or in which scenario that bug has been encountered and the module which is getting affected ,assinging the priority and severity for the bug,mentioning the status of the bug and if possible the debug for that particular bug and how to simulate the bug.this entire process is known as the error raising or ticketting process.

#what is grey box testing??

grey box testing is a combination of blackbox and white box testing. it is usually done by the developer during the coding phase to test whether a particular functionality works as per requirement against the code coded by him using a combination of blackbox and whitebox testing techniques.

Part 8:

#what is testing life cycle what are all the stages involved in the testing life cycle

Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) consists of

1. Preparation of Testing Strategy

2. Preparation of Test Plan

3. Preparation of Test Cases

4. Test Case review

5. Execution of Test cases.

6. Reporting the test results.

7. Preparation of bug tracking report

8. Regression testing

9. Test report preparation.

#How do you test if you have minimal or no documentation about the product

Explore the application with whatever information you have about the application.

There is always a chance that you find bugs while exploring.

If find any bug make a note of that.Try to reproduce it,so that you can report it.

#If automating - what is your process for determining what to automate and in what order?

When considering tool support/automation identify all the activities where tool support could be beneficial and prioritise them to identify the most important. Although test running tools are the most popular, this may not be the best place to introduce tool support first.

Also consider

  • tool Requirements
  • CAST readiness
  • Environment contsraints
  • tool integration#

job of selecting a suitable test tool should be considered as a process comprising four stages:

· produce a candidate tool shortlist;

· arrange demonstrations;

· evaluate the selected tool(s);

· review and select tool.

#what is the difference between Quality in fact and quality in perception?

quality in fact is quality percieved by the customer's point of view. it focuses on doing the right things, the right way and on time.

quality in perception is the suppliers point of focuses on delivering the right product, satisfying cutomer needs and treating every customer with integrity courtesy and respect.

#What is the difference between CMM & CMMI? If any.

CMM means Capability maturity model,in 2000 software capability maturity model(SW CMM) was upgraded to CMMI(Capability maturity model integrated)

#Give an example of a bug having high severity and low priority ?

if u see the yahoo login page contains the user name and password if u put the correct username but wrong password but its goes ur personal page of yahoo mail box so it is the case of high severity and low prioity.

#What is compliance testing?

A set of tests carried out to gain sufficient assurance that the prescribed internal controls are operating effectively.

Part 9:

#What is entry and exit criteria of a test plan?

Entry Criteria : Project Kickoff Meeting and DSRS should be approved

Exit Criteria : Reviewed, Approved and Base-Lined QATP

#what is meat by error feeding

error feeding is like a negative testing where we can check with invalid input dates and see whether the proper error message is displayed

#what types of tests comes under black box testing

In Addition to it:

1. GUI Testing

2. Load Testing

3. Multiuser/Concurrent Testing

4. Stress Testing

5. Regression Testing

#What is FURPS?take an example of yahoo login screen and explain?

FURPS stands for


#What is entrance and exit criteria for testing?

Entrance criteria for testing is, when the Software Requirement Specification document is complete.

Exit Criteria for testing is not fix todays date i.e. Today's software are to complex we cannot check them completle. The Exit cariteria depends changes software to software. The exit criteria depends upon various factors which are given below:

a. Dead Line to deliver the software.

b. All the test cases written are complete.

c. Budget is complete.

d. Major error prone areas testing is complete.

#What is TC code SE16 and it's use.

SE16-Display table contents It shows the contents of the table.

#How will you know whether your reported defect accepted are rejected?

1)One will definately log a defect in Defect tracking tool such as TTpro,Little buggy with status open and assign to respective developer.

2)Satus will be new/open once you assign to developer,then he will change the status of defect either fixed/deferred/.. and reassign to you..

from status changed by the developer tester will understand his dfect has been accepted or rejected.

#What is difference between Integration testing & Inter system testing?

integrataion testing:

after the modules(tested units are integrated into modules) are tested,the modules can be integrated and start testing .

inter system testing:

An application which can share same resources with other application is called inter system

Part 10:

In bug life cycle which what are the activites between new and assigned states

NEW means when a tester will find a defect he/she will mark it as only NEW as this defect has found now and he/she will send it to T.L and D.L

ASSIGN means after getting a Bug from testing Engineer ( which is marked as NEW ) the D.L will verify it whether it is proper to Fix or not. if after verify all the criteria the D.L has agreed to accept that bug for fixing then he will "ASSIGN" that to the bug related Developer.

This is the difference Between NEW and ASSIGN


#What is the difference between authorization and authentication?

Authentication :An authentication system is how you identify yourself to the computer. The goal behind an authentication system is to verify that the user is actually who they say they are.

Authorization:Once the system knows who the user is through authentication, authorization is how the system decides what the user can do.

#what is accessibility testing?recently i faced in TCS

Accessibility is a general term used to describe the degree to which a system is usable by as many people as possible without modification. It is not to be confused with usability which is used to describe how easily a thing can be used by any type of user. One meaning of accessibility specifically focuses on people with disabilities and their use of assistive devices such as screen-reading web browsers or wheelchairs. Other meanings are discussed below.

Accessibility testing, including compliance with:

    • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
    • Section 508 Amendment to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
    • Web Accessibility Initiative(WAI) of the World Wide Web Consortium(W3C)

#How do you access your build in the application

i am not shure that my answer was correct..but upto my knowlege...every company will maintain VSS(visual source soft).this can acess only authentication person's like developer,tester(those who belongs to specific project) etc..these persons will have rights to acess,change(upon requirement) the build.if any changes r made by the developer he can secure the data by giving password this way we can acess build....

any body plzz let me know whether i was correct or not.

#What is the difference between SRS and BRS?

SRS: Software Requirements Specification . Srs is prepared by Software Analyst. They implement the BRS iN preparation of Srs.

BRS: Business Requirement Specification. BRS is given by Client . It tells the business Logics .


#Is retesting is a part of regression testing or regression testing is a part of retesting?

I hope Retesting and regreesion testing are different.

Retesting means we testing only the certain part of an application again and not considering how it will effect in the other part or in the whole application.

Regresstion testing - Testing the application after a change in a module or part of the application for testing that, is the code change will affect rest of the application.


#What is V&V concept?.

V&V concept is representation of V- Model which talks about Verification and Validation. Left side of V-model called verification ( Requirement analysis , Specification,Design,Implementation) Right side of V-model called Validation ( Unit testing , integration testing , system testing,User acceptance testing)

#What do u mean by Masked Defect

An occurrence in which one defect prevents the detection of another is defect masking. So the undetected defect is masked defect.

#How u prepare Test Data? Is it from Functional Requirements?

test data prepared depends on srs ,if it is not clear then t.e will go to exploratory testing means past experience,browsing on similar projects down loading,or directly contacting with customer.test data is nothingbut that may be user defined requirement or functionality requirement.

#What is the difference between Test Bed and Test Harness?

Test Bed. An environment containing the hardware, instrumentation, simulators, software tools,and other support elements needed to conduct a test [IEEE 610]. Whereas Test Harness is a system of test drivers and other tools to support test execution (e.g., stubs, executable test cases, and test drivers).

#How do you configure Bugzilla?

Bugzilla is server software designed to help you manage software development.


· Optimized database structure for increased performance and scalability

· Excellent security to protect confidentiality

· Advanced query tool that can remember your searches

· Integrated email capabilities

· Editable user profiles and comprehensive email preferences

· Comprehensive permissions system

· Proven under fire as Mozilla's bug tracking system


· Improve communication

· Increase product quality

· Improve customer satisfaction

· Ensure accountability

· Increase productivity

· Bugzilla can adapt to multiple situations

#What is Thinktime? What is Prevention Testing?

Thinktime:The time to create request by the client to send to server is called Think time.

Prevention Testing:Build test cases based upon the requirements specification error to the creation of code with the express purpose of validating the requirements.

Part 12:

#What's contain on the test strategy?

test strategy contains the object and approach to testing requirements.(test cases)...someone plz let me know whether iam correct or not.

#Define quality in testing

Quality in testing means testing the application thoroughly and find all the bugs and get them fixed. Early the bug is found,better will be the quality of testing.

#unit testing comes under which testing technique, white box / black box?

Unit Testing : is done by Programmers not by Testers.

Unit Testing: to test the Particular Module or Source Code.

#Have you writen any test cases that didn't run? EX.

No i have not

#Give me an example of user friendly test?

Testing is Performed basing upon Look and feel.easy to use, navigational speed etc

#After all the testing has been done, what will be the next?

After all testing is done and if there are no show stopper or high defects open then we can provide the sign off. After that we should prepare Exit document which contains more or less same sections as Test Strategy. Additionally it should have problems faces during the testing like environment issues etc. It should mentioned the number of defects opened & their current status.

#You are 5 testers in a team and got the requirements. What you will do?

If the team size is 5 members, then Test Lead may split the F.S into no. functionalities and allocate the job, if they want the F.S to finish quickly. else everyone will start reading the F.S.

#Have you done anything that makes you happy?

Yes I had Submitted work to my Project Manager according to the requirement with in the right time

#If you were asked to change about yourself, what would be?

changed is used in design phase

Part 13:

#Why V-model is called as V-model?

Hi All ,

V-model is named for the validation and verification . And the structure of this software model is in V-shape it also named for that .

Its advantage:-

1. From the begining of the project the testing is started .From the requirements phase only the testing is done .

2. Bugs can be tracked from the begining itself



#What are the components of traceability matrix

Mapping the requirements against the test case is called as Tracibility Matrix. It means in order to tell the client that we have met all the requirements as specified in the SRS.

It includes descriptions like: Project name, Date, Change Control, Revision Date,Author,Sections,Summary of changes.

Table Contents includes: unique No. Requirement Source Of Requirement

SRS/FRS DesignSpec ProgramModule TestSpec TestCase(s)

Successful Test Verfication Modification of Requirement Remarks

#What are the components of Test Matrix?


Test Matrix is known as Data Matrix

format u can use thi




valid Invalid





min +1


#How a tester will convince to a developer that the bug assigned to the developer is a bug

Tester wil tell to developer that is bug if developer is not accepting means tester will discuss with team leader and test manager.Tester try his level best to convience the developer if he is not accepting means tester will take snap shot of bug and showing to developer so at that developer will accepte it as bug and fix that bughope I am correct

#How many pages test strategy did you write?

Test Strategy document should be maximum of 5-10pages. It depends upon the Organization some may use along format and Some low.

#what is the difference bw water fall model, prototype model,spiral modal.

water fall Model:when the customer requirements are clear and complete.

Prototype Model:when the customer requirements are not clear ambigeous or our project team is following this model with sample first.

Spiral Model:when the requirements of the customer are enhausing.(Improving and Extending)

#Which model is best in Waterfal, Prototype, Spiral and why?

-Waterfall Model is good for smaller projects as it takes a longer time to complete since each phase must be completed in its entirety before next phase can begin.-Spiral Model is good for larger projects, high amounts of risk is analysed. Expensive model to use.

Part 14:

#Will u Plz tell me what is expected result and actual result.

Expected result is :- Test case out put as per requirement.

Actual result is:- After executing the test cases that out put of test case we can say actual Result.

#Can u tell me about Use case and its templates ? How Use case is useful ?

Use cases are created by Business Analyst, these helps better undertand the specification/requirements of the application. Test cases are written on the basis of Test Scenarios and, Test Scenarios are written on the basis of Use cases.

#what are the components of defect.

defect ids a varience form the desired product attribute.1. variance from product spec2.varience from customer/user expectation.the catagories of defects are generally wrong-implemented incorrectlymissing-specific requirement not in the uildin productextra-addationally incorporated into the product.

#what is the diff between web based n client server appln

Client Server is 2 tier architecture, navigation from one page to another is low, low performance and no firewall where as in Web application, it is n tier architecture, navigation is high, high performance and firewall plays important role here.

#what is testing methodalogy and testing techiniques can any one explain with examples


Test Methodology is a refinement of test strategy

in this we

- first we aquire Test Strategy

- determine the application type

- determine project type

i.e like traditional project,maintenance,iterative,offshore project ....some thing like this

_ finding possible risks

-find mitigations for those

- Finalize TRM

-Lead will be ready to prepare TestPlan and Module Plans

Testing Techniques : All types of testing you are familiar with

ex:-bva,ecp,cause-effect,random guessing ...etc

Part 15:

#which testing methology are u used in ur project and what differnet methologies do u know


Test Methodology is a refinement of test strategy

in this we

- first we aquire Test Strategy

- determine the application type

- determine project type

i.e like traditional project,maintenance,iterative,offshore project ....some thing like this

_ finding possible risks

-find mitigations for those

- Finalize TRM

-Lead will be ready to prepare TestPlan and Module Plans

#what is meant by crs&urs explain breifly?

CRS is customer requirement specification and URS is user requirement specification.. both are same and they contain all the business requirements in the form of raw data of the information domain

#Tell me testing process?

1. You may explain any model you like waterfall,v-model or any new model that you company follows


Test intiation :policy,strategy,methodology

Test plan : who,what,when,how to test?

Test design : on what criteria you are going to write test cases & Test Cases

Test execution :cycles that are followed for testing

ex: sanity/smoke -> Batch ->Regression ->Final regression

Test Report : ex: defect report

Test Closure :completion of testing

2. Test Requriements: Here we have all the project information which satisfies Customer requriments. Walkthroughs (Verifications) are done here

Test Plan: The Document which has Detail Information about project , when to test,what to test,who are going to test,test members,roles and responsibiltes,features to be tested and features not to be tested,tools we are using, what are the testings we are going to apply (i.e, Functionality testing,user interface testing etc.),when to start testing and when to close .

Test Stratergy: what are the factors to be consider with respect to phases

Test cases: Test cases are prepared here i.e inputs, outputs,and Expected outputs

Test bed: Ready to Execute test cases

Test Log: It has the report which are fail and pass

Defect Tracking: Bugs found are tracked here

#what is usage of spiral model?

Spiral model is developed in recognition of the fact that systems development projects tend to repeat the stages of analysis, design and code as part of the prototyping process. Spiral model includes best features of both the classic Waterfall SDLC and the Prototyping approach.

#Can you explain testing options, and defend a position on your strategy?


this will let u know the approach of testing and acts like a corner stone for test plan.

it consists

1. Business requirements

2. scope

3. Test responsibilitu matrix

4. requirements

5. environment

6. communication and status gap

7. measurements and matrix

8. need of automation

9. defect tracking

10. risks and mitigations.

11 change configuration management

12 need of training

#Can you define and execute test cases

Test case is nothing but a specific process to perform an action with the sets of steps and data along with the expected results for a particular test objective.A test case should only test one limited subset of a feature or a functionlaity.

Testcase execution is very simple . It is just following the test case steps.

#what do you mean by testcase template?what its contains?

Test Case Template will as follows:

Test Case ID : Requirements ID: Test Case Description : Test Data : Expected Responce : Actual Responce : Result : Sererity :Tested BY

Test case id will be unique. Any numbering format can be followed.

Requirement ID will be the number for which requirement u r writting the test case, this is usefull for preparing tracebility matrix.

Description will contain the steps to execute the test case.

Expected will contain what should be result after executing the steps.

Actual responce is what we got after the test case execution.

Result will pass or fail - this will be helpful in generating test execution report.

Severity - Critical, Major, Minor

#what is a test case identifier

A test identifier is referenced by the test design specification and the test procedure specifications. which identify a test case uniquely.

Part 16:

#what is the meaning of defect?

Whenever a bug get its favourable conditions it becomes a defect.Eg. a tourch without cells. cell are missing its bug and due to no cell torch not operates its defect.

#What is the testing lifecycle and explain each of its phases?

oftware testing life cycle has the following stages :

test plan:it is a document that contains: scope,object ,system requirements,project requirements,testing requirements,schedule,roles and responsibilities,features to be tested,features not to be tested,entry criteria,exit criteria,test stategy which include test cases,test bed,test suite, deliverables ,annexure and sign off

test requirements (by seeing srs)like fun specification screens,fields,datatypes,range etc

prepare test case design

execute test cases

analyse the results and

bug reporting.

#What is Cyclomatic complexity

Cyclometric complexityt is number of indipendent paths through the program.It gives complexity of the code.

Cyclometri complxity=number of decisions+1

#What are main 5 types of test metrics? Explain in brief.



#can you please give a sample of test case,defect tracking and test report.

Sample for test case

Test case ID,Test type,Purpose of test,Test Input,Test Steps,Expected Result,Actual Result,Status[Pass/Fail/Not Tested].

Sample Defect Tracking

Issue ID,Failure scenario,Severity[Critical/High/Medium/Low],Priority[P1,P2,P3,P4],Status[Open/Fixed/Closed/Deffered].

#How do you determine, what to be tested?

Generally we take no risk, means we test each and every feature.Depending on application and project deadlines, we may decide to test only risky features first that are more viewable to user.

#Can the static testing be done for both Web & Client Server Application?

Static testing doesn't depend upon the application, so we can do static testing on web or client server application.

#Is the Static testing a functional testing?

Static Testing – It is a type of unconventional testing i.e. testing performed on an application when it is not executed.Ex: GUI Testing, Document testing

Static Testing is not a functional testing.Static testing is also called Verification.

Part 17:

#What is the final Stage of Integration Testing?

Testing never ends, still the final may be confirmation that all interconnected units are working well.How ? it depends on application and tester approach.

#What are the docs required for Performance Testing?

The main document is always SRS.Performance testing is also same as other here we have to see to how many user's our application can feed up request at one time, how minimum resources it required to work, how it behave when it is under stress.

#what is path coverage?

Path coverage testing comes under white box testing.In path coverage we write test cases to ensure that each and every path has been traversed at least once.

#What is Test Automation?

When we use a testing tool to generate and execute test cases then this testing called automated testing or test automation.

#wat is smoke testing

Smoke Testing is a non exhaustive software Testing, Which covers over all functionality ,wtihout bothering about the finer details.

#what is the difference between usability testing & user acceptance testing?

Usability Testing

This is to test the user friendliness of the software

User Acceptance Testing

This is to test whether to accept the software or not.

#what is the difference between Test Case and Test Script ?

test case is a piece of functionality which we are going to test It contains description,preconditions and acceptance criteria.Test script contains steps to cover that tetst case

#What is Defect Density and how can we calculate Defect Density ?

Defect density is one of the metric which is equal to the ratio of number of defects to the number of lines of code .

#what are the difference between sanity and smoke testing.

Sanity Testing is the brief test of major functional elements of a piece of software to determine if its basically operationalWhere asSmoke Testing is a quick-and-dirty test that the major functions of a piece of software work. It is used for hardware testing practice of turning on a new piece of hardware for the first time and considering it a success if it does not catch on fire

Part 18:

#What are the risks involved in testing?

Requirements are not freezed.Frequent change requests.Cannot perform complete testing hence thr is always a possibility of missing some bugs.

#At what stage the unit testing has to be done?

When the coding part for the current module in the present build has been completed and before releasign the build to Integration test, Unit Testing has to be done. Once the individual modules are completed, then those code modules will be tested individually in Unit testing to ensure that the inner working of the code is working properly. Usually by Done by programmers in many companys. In some companys testers will also do unit testing.

#Difference between equivalence and boundary value analysis?

Equivalence Partitioning:

The idea behind the technique is to divide or partition a set of test conditions into groups or sets that can be considered the same or equivalent, hence ‘equivalence partitioning’. Equivalence partitions are also known as equivalence classes, the two terms mean exactly the same thing.

Boundary value analysis:
It is based on testing on and around the boundaries between partitions. If you have done “range checking”, you were probably using the boundary value analysis technique, even if you weren’t aware of it. Note that we have both valid boundaries (in the valid partitions) and invalid boundaries (in the invalid partitions).

#What is meant by domain? What is domain testing?

Examples of Domain are
1) Banking Domain
2) Insurance Domain
3) Finance Domain
4) Hotel Domain

#What is Test Objective?

Test objective to give a quality product to the software i.e like Application S/W is working according to requirements as mentioned by the clients or customers.
We check its performance, its security, its functionality.


#What is Alpha testing and Beta testing?

Alpha testing : Testing conducted by client at developer's site.

Beta testing : Testing conducted by client at cutomer's site.

#what is ithe significance of v-model in software testing?

In software testing v-model has great importance. Testing is done from the very first phase of SDLC.Verification and validation is performed at each stage. v-model acts as a prototype in SDLC. It goes from top to bottom and bottom to top and shows corresponding relationship among different modules.

Business logic &
Requirement specification --------> Acceptance Testing
| |
Analysis --------> System Testing
| |
Design Phase --------> Integration Testing

| |

Coding ----------> Unit testing

#what is a test scenario and test condition. What is the basic difference between the two ?

Test scenario is the flow of the data from one end to another end ,
but the test condition is one which willl denote the condition of the test i.e whether it is passedor failed,or the test is still under the processing.

#What is meant by boundary value analysis and Equivalence partitioning?

Boundary value analysis : A black box test design technique in which test cases are designed based on boundary values.

Boundary value: An input value or output value which is on the edge of an equivalence partition or at the smallest incremental distance on either side of an edge; For example, the minimum or maximum value of a range.

Equivalence class partitioning: If a set of object can be linked by a relationship that is symmetric, reflexive and transitive; then we can say there is equivalence class. Using this concept Equivalence partitioning method of Black box testing divides the input domain of a program into classed of data from where test case can be derived. Ideally each test case can uncover class of errors that might otherwise require many test cases to be executed before general error is occurred.

#Explain differance between ramdom testing and error guessing

Random testing: A black box test design technique where test cases are
selected, possibly using a pseudo-random generation algorithm, to match an
operational profile. This technique can be used for testing non-functional
attributes such as reliability and performance.

Error guessing: A test design technique where the experience of the
tester is used to anticipate what defects might be present in the component or
system under test as a result of errors made, and to design tests specifically
to expose them.

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