Sunday, May 4, 2008



Top Ten Tips for Bug Tracking

  1. A good tester will always try to reduce the repro steps to the minimal steps to reproduce; this is extremely helpful for the programmer who has to find the bug.
  2. Remember that the only person who can close a bug is the person who opened it in the first place. Anyone can resolve it, but only the person who saw the bug can really be sure that what they saw is fixed.
  3. There are many ways to resolve a bug. FogBUGZ allows you to resolve a bug as fixed, won't fix, postponed, not repro, duplicate, or by design.
  4. Not Repro means that nobody could ever reproduce the bug. Programmers often use this when the bug report is missing the repro steps.
  5. You'll want to keep careful track of versions. Every build of the software that you give to testers should have a build ID number so that the poor tester doesn't have to retest the bug on a version of the software where it wasn't even supposed to be fixed.
  6. If you're a programmer, and you're having trouble getting testers to use the bug database, just don't accept bug reports by any other method. If your testers are used to sending you email with bug reports, just bounce the emails back to them with a brief message: "please put this in the bug database. I can't keep track of emails."
  7. If you're a tester, and you're having trouble getting programmers to use the bug database, just don't tell them about bugs - put them in the database and let the database email them.
  8. If you're a programmer, and only some of your colleagues use the bug database, just start assigning them bugs in the database. Eventually they'll get the hint.
  9. If you're a manager, and nobody seems to be using the bug database that you installed at great expense, start assigning new features to people using bugs. A bug database is also a great "unimplemented feature" database, too.
  10. Avoid the temptation to add new fields to the bug database. Every month or so, somebody will come up with a great idea for a new field to put in the database. You get all kinds of clever ideas, for example, keeping track of the file where the bug was found; keeping track of what % of the time the bug is reproducible; keeping track of how many times the bug occurred; keeping track of which exact versions of which DLLs were installed on the machine where the bug happened. It's very important not to give in to these ideas. If you do, your new bug entry screen will end up with a thousand fields that you need to supply, and nobody will want to input bug reports any more. For the bug database to work, everybody needs to use it, and if entering bugs "formally" is too much work, people will go around the bug database.

What are the different types of Bugs we normally see in any of the Project? Include the severity as
What are the different types of Bugs we normally see in any of the Project? Include the severity as well.

1. User Interface Defects -------------------------------- Low
2. Boundary Related Defects ------------------------------- Medium
3. Error Handling Defects --------------------------------- Medium
4. Calculation Defects ------------------------------------ High
5. Improper Service Levels (Control flow defects) --------- High
6. Interpreting Data Defects ------------------------------ High
7. Race Conditions (Compatibility and Intersystem defects)- High
8. Load Conditions (Memory Leakages under load) ----------- High
9. Hardware Failures:-------------------------------------- High

# how do we track a bug?plz send format of excel sheet in which we write the bug details?how do we give the severithy and priority to the bugs?

Bug Tracking : Any bug that is detected will have a status as New->Next Open->Assigned to developer-->Fixed-->Assigned to tester-->If pass after validation ,close the defect,if fail ,assign it back to the developer.This is the general flow of bug tracking ,either you may use a bug tracking tool or an excel sheet.It is convenient to use a bug tracking tool,but if we use an excel sheet also,we can change the status in each and every phase of bug life cycle.

Defect/Bug Format :

Bug/Defect Id:

Summary :

Steps to Reproduce/Description:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Detected By :abcd

Version Number :xx.0

Feature/Sub Module/Module :abcd/ab/a


Priority :High,Medium,Low

Reproducible :Yes/No

Assigned to :Developer/Tester/QA Manager/etc

Status :New/Open/Fixed/Closed etc

Test Case Number :xx

Depending upon the company strategy we can add some extra fields in excel sheet or remove some fields which are not needed

Severity is the seriousness or the impact of the defect over the application/product functionality.It can be specified in different ways:

Critical,High,Medium and Low.

Critical :example like system halt or stuck i.e unable to proceed further testing

High :example like some main features are not working properly,where the user has a maximum usage

Medium and Low :This type of defects are not so urgent to be fixed ,but can wait for some time ,because there is impact on the functionality is not as severe as in critical and high.But should be fixed before releasing to the client.

Priority :By specifying the priority as high,medium and low ,a developer can understand which defect needs to be fixed prior to which defect.A developer will fix the defects that are having high status,next medium,next low.

To provide a priority status there is a formula as Priority=Severity (vs) Ratings

Ratings:It is decided as Always,Sometimes,Never.Always means every time defect is reproducible when a certain test case is executed.Sometimes means the defect is occuring for sometimes,but not always.Never mean the defect has occured only once ,but never occured when tried to reproduce

Example :Severity=High,Ratings=Always

Priority =High (vs) Always =High

Priority should be high,because severity is high and the defect is recurring always.This defect needs to be fixed by a developer with high priority.

How to post a BUG

Posting a bug through EMail is not done anywhere these days in real-time , as it would lead to miscommunication and creates lot of confusion at the long run..Hence a tool bought by the company or a tool built by our own company will be used.

The tools features would be almost same even though their GUI might vary. Some tools will have a format like Excel sheet where we can enter the details of a bug and save it ,where an email is sent to the assigned person (name and ID will be set in the tool) , when ever status of the bug is changed you will recieve an another mail..

What is the difference between a Bug and a Defect?

Bug- Conformed defected is called bug. It is said to be bug only at developer place.Defect- Any Functionality is wrong then it is said to be defect by testers. It turns to bug in developers place

How we can explain a bug which may arrive at the time of tesing. explain that bugs in details

When you find any bug/defect while executing the script, ensure that the script is failed and the system/functionality is not working as per requirement document. Prepare a note that will explain how actual result is contradiction with expected result of failed script also give the details such as environment, test data etc.

This will help developers to understand the defect correctly.

whats the difference between usecase,testcase,testplan,and scenario and their templates.

use case - Desighned before the project started.

Test Case - which contains the test data .

test plan - A detailed plan to outline when to start and when to stop and constriants for automation or manual and about human resources.

Scenario - scenario's will be identified while testing.

Usecase: Usecase is prepared by BA in the Functional Requirement Specification (FRS) which are nothing but a steps which are given by the customer.

TestCase: It is prepared by the Test Engineer based on the usecases from FRS to check the functionality of an application thoroughly.

TestPlan: Test plan is prepared by TeamLead, in it he represents the Scope of the test, What to test and What not to test, Sheduling, What to test using automation etc.

Scenario: Scenarios are prepared in Load testing

Describe Error Handling in the FRD

FRD:: Functional Requirement Document

Error Handling in the FRD:::: In the design details there will be a ERROR HANDLING section where it will be mentioned about the error that will be present in the routine /script/code, so that by seeing error messages which be taken care and corrected.

Even while testing also.

And also ERROR HANDLING is when a routine is run for certain specification then if the specification is not present then a error will be added through a remark by the routine itself , when these remark is seen so that the specification is corrected as per the requriement

Please advise on this.

Waiting for your response


Madhu CS

what are the difference between rational clearquest and testdirector?

Both are Test Mangement tools. Rational clearquest is from IBM. Test Director from Mercury. Most of the difference are unknown as features wise they have different features as rarely any company will be using both tools. One differnce is cost wise, two product from different company can not have same cost. Mukesh Chauhan Bangalore

Test Director is Defect Tracking Tool.It also supports Test Process Management i.e it allows creating test plans,running test cases and tracking defects.

Rational Clear Quest is customized defect tracking and change request tracking tool.We can submit change requests and track change requests.

Could any one Explain,What is Difeerance Between Tracability Matrix & Cross referance Matrix

TM is mapping between Specifications and test cases

CM is mapping between Specifications and Maps(Design maps)

The test-requirements cross-reference matrix shows how every requirement listed in the SRS will be tested. In some cases, this can be arranged in the form of a table. In other cases, bullet lists provide a better approach to presenting the information in a readable form. Ideally, there will be a straightforward relationship between requirements in the SRS and the tests, with every test motivated by requirements in the SRS and every part of the SRS corresponding to one or more of the tests.The following gives a reasonable set of information that can be provided for each requirement in the matrix: * The unique identifier for the requirement (probably the specific paragraph number from the SRS where the requirement is first described) * A brief description of the requirement * The means by which the requirement will be tested (e.g. analysis, inspection, demonstration, test data) * Specific variables that are associated with the requirement * Ranges of values for the variables * System functionality associated with the requirement * Any comments

Part 2:

how is traceability of bug follow?

The traceability of bug can we followed in so many ways.

  • *Mapping the Functional requirements scenarios (FS Doc) - test cases(ID) -- Failed test cases (Bugs)
  • Mapping between requirements (RS Doc) - test case (ID) - Failed Test Case
  • Maping between Test plan (TP Doc)- test case (ID) - Failed Test case
  • mapping between business requirements (BR Doc) - test Case (ID) - Failed Test case
  • Mapping between High Level Design (Design doc) - Test Case (ID) - Failed test case.

Usually the traceability matrix is mapping between the requirements, client requirements, function specification, test plan and test cases.

Typically, in test situations, traceability matrices are used to trace requirements to test cases in order to ensure that there are test cases for all the requirements. Some easily aviailable commercial tools like Rational Suite Enterprise, will help testing engineer/ test lead to trace requirements and then to trace from the use cases and/or requirements to test cases.

Of course, usually many types of traceability matrices may be created a just simple concept of REVERSE ENGINEERING. For example, you may trace Bug--> identify that test cases-->use cases and vice versa. The default term likely applies to tracing requirements to test cases though.

What is the difference between SQA Robot and Rational Robot or does both are same?

SQA robot and Ratinal Robot are the products of IBM Products.Noramally used for testing IBM application.

SQA robot and Rational Robot are one and same .But only differneces is the advanced verion of SQA Robot is Rational Robot.

On what basis the planned testing efforts is calculated for the entire project?

The Planned testing efforts can be calculated with 2 different techniques.

1. Function Point Analysis

2. Testing Point Analysis

These methods involves the calculation on the number of functional points present in the application.

I have not performed any analysis, but in our company we are following these methods.

# After completion of test initialization and process finalisation by Project Manager by Quality Analyst, Test Lead concentrates on Test Planning to define what to be tested, How to be tested and Who to be tested and When to be tested . Test plan is an implementation of Test Methodology selection by Project Manager. In general Test Lead Category people are developing overall plan and multiple test plans for every phase of testing due to different people, different techniques, different and different environment.

Team Formation, Identifying tactical risks, preparing system test plan and reveiving the testplan preparaion will be done by TestLead to estimate the completeness of that planned document.

what is AUT???

AUT is "Application under test".After designing and coding phase of development cycle,when the application(build) comes under testing then at that time application state is under test,so at that time period that application(build) is called "Application Under test".

How would you say that a bug is 100 % fixed ???

Hi frends

yes all of our frends are saying is true, we can't say the testing process is ended but we can somewhat said the bug is fixed

After fixing the bug we r going to conduct regression testing on it. afrer successful outputs we said it's fixed and finally closed it. mean while we r also tested the total application once where the fixed bug will causes some more bugs. SO in this manner we can said bug is fixed. but the we can't say that the testing is closed.



#what are the different methods to find all the requirements are covered other than traceability matrix ?

June 24, 2006 07:03:59



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: what are the different methods to find all the req...


one more method is Testing Matrix, which is nothing but a table index, which shows the result of Equivalence Range methods results, for example

assume that your application is behaving as similar for some range of values, then take the range of values on columns side and test cases on row side, show the result in matrix form


range1 range2 range3

Test CaseA Pass Fail Fail

Test CaseB Fail Pass Fail

Test CaseC Fail Fail Pass

if any other methods found, then please share the knowledge to

What is the Difference between End to End Testing & System Testing

End to End Testing: From first smoke test build to release of software to end of maintanence

Complete Cycle of testing: From Reqts to Testing to release of software to end of maintanence

system testing:

Ex: There are 7 modules in project

1+2 = Integration testing

(1+2)+3 = Integration testing


(1+2...)+..+7= End of Integration testing = System Testing

# System Testing:This is the process of testing end to end business functionalities of the application(system) based on client business requirements.

End to End Testing:This is the macro end of the testing.This testing mimics the real life situations by interacting with the real time data, network and harware etc.

In the system testing we are taking sample test data only, where as in the end to end testing we are taking real time data(for a sample) and interacting with network and hardware

what is build interval period?

In some companies specially in J2EE domain, builds are delivered from development team to the testing team to start the system testing. For example a new product XXX is being released to the testing team so the dev team will deliver a build to the Testing team. Now Testing team will do the testing and then will release the product to the client. Now there is a new version of the product coming up with the name XXX.1 and is being released to the testing team, so this will be the second build and the time between these 2 builds will be called as build interval.


# What is the difference between Bug Resolution Meeting and Bug Review Commitee? Who are the participants in Bug Resolution Meeting and Bug Review Commitee?

Bug resolution meeting: It is conducted in presence of Test lead and Developers where developers gives his/her comment wheather to correct the bug at this time or later and test leader accepts or rejects developers comments and even they decide what methods should be chosen to correct the error so that in regression test no bug should be reported and it should not effect other application.

Bug review commitee:It is often conducted by test lead, project managers in presence on client, where they all decide as to what errors should be considered as bug and what severity level it shuld be treated as.

What is Defect Life Cycle in Manual Testing?

Defect Life Cycle is the Cycle thru which a defect goes starts when defect found & ends when defect is closed after ensuring its not reproduced.Defect Life cycle is related to Bug found during testing so it doesn depend on Manual & Automated Testing.

Phases of Defect Life Cycle is

1. New : When Defect disccovered.

2.Open: When defect is addressed to the developer. It may then be Rejected, said to be duplicate or deferred.

3. Fix : when it is fixed or defect solved by developer.

4.Close : After defect addressed by developer it comes to Tester to Test, once assured its no more a defect its is Close phase.

Defect Life Cycle:

Defect Detection

Reproduce the Defect

Assing the bug to the Developer

Bug Fixing

Bug Resolution

Regression (Bug Resolution Review)


Is it possible to have a defect with high severity and low priority and vice-versa i.e high priority and low severity?Justify,if possible?


Asked by: raghuramsuravarapu

Priority and Severity are totally different concepts. So it can be possible to have a defect with high priority and low severity and vice versa. Consider a case when a crash occures due to infinite inputs . This is a rare case which the customer will do always. So although it is a crash it can be of low priority.

ya, its possible for this i will give a example with scenario.

when the developmenpment team prepared the modules and they sent it for testing and after doing some part of testing then a bug raised in the first module its seviority is minor and at the same time in second module a bug raised and its seviority is major. we came to know the by the next day the client is comming for inspection and he wanted to get the first module prepared. so at this time less seviority bug gets high priority and high seviority bug gets less priority.

i think u can understand wht i want to say.

if any thing wrong in this pls inform me.



Priority and Severity are two different entities, but when it comes in correlating for setting the status of a bug, they both come together into picture. For instance let us take a scenario that you are testing a web page with login form with username and password field. You observe that when you type password its like ordinary text field displaying characters not in * format. Won't you rise that defect as "High Priority and High Severity". Yes i do agree that you also can have scenarios like making a High Severity and Low priority bug, but not all the time since both the entities are related mostly. Do keep this in mind when you are posting any defect.

Let us take an example .

Take a project like some thing rediff(name of application).We all know the main window name must be the project name and we can see on title bar.

If there is spelling mistake in name say redif then this comes under high priority and low severity because application name must be right.

For calculations, we can say high priority and high severity.

Who will Change the status of the Bug...say : Deferred " ?

As soon as Tester finds a bug he log that bug as NEW status and assign to Developer.When developer working on that he change the status as OPEN.When developer feels it not required to fix at that moment he changes the status as DIFFERED.If he complete working on that he change the satus as CLOSE it as FIXa nd assign to TesterTester retest the bug and change the status as closeWe have many more status as DUPLICATE, NOT REPRODUCIBLE, TO BE FIX, CRITICAL, BLOCKED, NEED CLARIFICATION.we uses the status according to the bug i hope i cleared u'r questionso DEVELOPER changes the status of the bug as DIFFERCheers,Harini.

# how to do database testing by using automation to check runtime database checkpoints. i want to check that wheather the current record is added in database table after execute the adding a record


This is depends upon which automation tool u are using ok..

Suppose let us take WinRunner

in WinRunner we have the check point in Database checkpoint in that u have the Runtime record check

using that we can compare the Runtime record is there in database or not

if u have any clarification plz let me know through E-mail

i will explain the steps u need to take for checking the runtime record check

verify mode is used to do general testing

debug mode is used to debug the TSL script

update mode is used if u want to update the current result folder

How do you integrate the modules before performing the integration test?

Integration testing: Testing of combined parts of an application to determine if they function together correctly.There are three types of integration testing.1. Big bang testing: Testing with all modules combined together invariable of its levels. Often done for small projects.2. Bottom up test:Testing by integrating lower level modules and ascending towards the higher-level modules.3. Top down: Testing the higher-level modules and descending towards the lower level modules.This can be accomplished with dummy modules to replace the under construction modules with so-called stubs and drivers.

#.On what basis we give priority and severity for a bug and give me one example for high priority and low severity and high severity and low priority?

Priority will be given as per the client requirements.

Severity will be given as per the degree of the impact of failing a program.

In general, high priority will be given to the bugs with high severity.

A cosmotic bug (such as spell mistakes, design flaws...) on the GUI welcome page can be a better example for a bug with High Priority but with Low Severity.

And to quote an example for a bug with High Severity n Low Priority varies from time to time and situation to situation. Such as failing a module link in an application which is not yet brought into production and all....and u can see such situations very often in the Support Development(Maintenance), seldom in the New Development environment.

Priority:The Importance of defect interm of customer. Ex:High, Medium, low.

Severity:The seriousness of defect interm of functionality.

Ex:High:Manditory to resolve and urgent.

Medium:Manditory to resolve but not urgent.

low:May or May not to resolve.

Race condition bugs:(High severity).

EX: 1.Hang or dead lock is High priority.

2. wrong order of functionalites.


# What do u mean by "Reproducing a bug"? If the bug was not reproducable, what is the next step?

Reproducing Bug means the defect/Bug reappears at dev environment then they will resolve and fix the Bug.

Bug is not reproducable at dev environment then we will send the Execution steps with appropriate Screen shots clearly.

How to launch the test cases in test director and where it is saved

You create the Test Cases in the Test Plan Tab and link them to the requirements in the requirements Tab. Once the Test Caseis Ready..u change the status to ready and goto the "Test Lab" Tab and create a Test Set and add the test cases to the test set and you can run from there.

For Automation...In Test Plan ...create a new automated test and launch the tool and create the script and save it and you can run from the Test lab the same way as you did for the Manual test cases..

To answer your question...the test cases are stored in Test Plan Tab...or more the TestDirector..Lets say Quality Center 's database

TD is now referred to as QualityCenter

what is build interval period? in simple words plz

Build interval period is the time between two builds released for testing..

(Like Build 200, Build 201...)

During this period testers will be testing on the build which has been released & Developers will be working on 1. the build which is going to be released. & 2. also on bugs which are filed by the testers for the build which was released.

So both the team will be busy. This saves in Resources & time. & improves Quality

What are the main status in test director and what is reject and refuse status

There are mainly 3 statuses. They are as follows:

Accept, Reject, Deffered.

When a developer accepts to fix the reported bug, then the developer changes the status of the bug, from Assigned to Accepted.

When a developer doesn't accept the bug, he gives the status Rejected. But the developer needs to give a valid reason to reject the bug.

When a developer and his superiors think that the bug cannot be fixed in this release(due to lack of time or required documentation) then the developer gives the Deffered status. The developer needs to specify when the bug will be fixed.

what is the process of bug cycle?

1. reporting a bug

2. investigating a bug

3. assigning a bug

4. fixing a bug

5. regression testing

6. closing or reopening a bug

What do we do when there is a known bug at the time of software release?

As a tester the product should not allowed to release if it is a bug ,we should inform to the management that the availablity of bug, once is ok with the bug then we can release the product with initial version and that bug to be solved in the next version if any mistakes in my answers let me know

What is bug free software release?

Bugs free software means it 's not consists any high sev , priority bugs and all the requirements mentioned by client are full filled. According to my knowledge there is no 100% bugs free software..srinivasulu.B (

#.How many bugs in ur project? what will the correct answer of this question, how we convince the interviewer regarding numbers of bugs

You can say that when we test project first time there are 130 bug total u found after that at second revision of testing u get 50 bug fix & remaining are open or thier are some new bug generated because of fixing of old bug.& so on when we deploy our project at that time we achiev our satifactory level that means thier is no serious bug in project that afects system or software.

what is vertical and horizental Traceability?

Vertical traceability identifies the origin of items and follows these same items as they travel through the hierarchy of the work breakdown structure to the project teams and eventually to the customer.

Horizontal traceability is not required to statisfy bidirectional traceability.It identifies the realatinships among related items across work groups or product components for the purpose of avoiding potential conflicts.

Vertical Treceability: The relationship among the parts of a single workproduct (discipline),

    • e.g. requirements.

Horizontal Treceability: The relationship of the collections of components across collections of workproducts,

    • e.g. a design component is traced to the code components that implement that part of the design.



December 30, 2006 04:12:24



Testing Expert Member Since: September 2006 Total Comments: 242

RE: what is vertical and horizental Traceability?

vertical traceability of the requirements describes the interdependencies among the system requirements.Horizontal traceability addresses the relationship of the components across collections of workproducts


Golden Bug Means wich effect more critical parts and major functions in application.this one is identified by using tracebility of functions it will effect .

What are latent bugs?

Latent Bug: The bug which is not identified in present

version and can be able to identified in later versions.

who will give the bug id and bug version id?

I think u r asking the question related to manual testing without using bug tool. so, dear there is no standard to assign this bug id to this bug. The main thing is which type of bug is? how severe the bug is? in which module the bug is? the tester who reporting the bug will assign it, if there is no bug tracking tool, but keep in mind it should somewhat self explanatory. The bug tool does is automatically by using the information like projectname, module name etc.

what is the seviority if we will give the duplicate account number?

It will come under high severity and high priority.but the account number should be the primary key here or composite key if any one is facing this type of problem please use account number as primary key or any other key to reduce inconsistancy.

what is the difference between bug and defect?

Bug :- find after develper devop module

Defect:- Find after completion test and product release

Error:- this is find bye end-user

Error : A Programatically mistakes leads to an error.

Bug: Deviation from the expected result.

Defect: Problem in algorithm leads to failure.

Failure: Result of any of the above said is called Error/Bug/Defect.

In bug tracking process for which we give importance for Severity or Priority?

Bug Tracking process is some thing is like this. Once the bug has been raised, then the tester has to track the bug till closer.

Once the defect is logged we will specifiy the Severity. And Team lead will prioritze the bug bag/defect based on High, Medium and Low. This is done in a analysis process called Defect Analysis report. Here Test Lead, Development Lead, QA lead, PM will be the actors. They will discuss and aggree upon priority of the defect where they will decied which they will fix for the next build and which will be fixed later. After that in the next build they will fix all the bugs based on the priority. And now the tester has to verify and closed/Re-issue the defects.

Bug tracking is tracking the defects from open to close status.

what is bug leak?

The defect which can be found and Re-produced by End user/Client people the same we(Test Engineer) unable to found at the time of testing. This is also known as "Defect Leakage".

Memory Leak and Bug Leak(Defect Leak) or Different.

I do agree with the first definition.

Defect Leak:The defects that pass through development phases prior to detection is called Bug Leak or Defect Leak.

Memory Leak:

A memory leak is the gradual loss of available computer memory when a program (an application or part of the operating system) repeatedly fails to return memory that it has obtained for temporary use. As a result, the available memory for that application or that part of the operating system becomes exhausted and the program can no longer function. For a program that is frequently opened or called or that runs continuously, even a very small memory leak can eventually cause the program or the system to terminate. A memory leak is the result of a program bug.



November 06, 2006 15:01:34



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Yes , We do use bugzilla it is a bug tracking place. what do you need ?

November 10, 2006 06:48:38



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE:how to use bugtacking tool in realtime environment?

hi swapna, this is raghu.i saw ur comments.but we need the real time work flow for bugtracking tool.i am expecting ur reply. thanx

November 16, 2006 01:58:26


gaurav paras

Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Bugzilla is server based “bug tracking” software. One can easily access Bugzilla by I.E.5 or above simply providing the I.P. of the server after authentication one have to furnish all the information about the environment such as software build no operating system used, D.B. used, way to reproduce the bug and screen shot (added with the help of browse button)

Benefits of using bugzilla are

1) You can apply good filter to extract any module

2) The bugs are directly e-mail to developer assigned for debug

3) Graphical bug reports can be generated

4) You can easily tack bug by bug i.d.

November 27, 2006 00:01:21



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Bugzilla is Bugs reporting will be used to keeo track of the bugs.and also it can be used to generate the report.

November 28, 2006 06:36:17



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Hi All,

Visit to this URL :

The following installables need to be downloaded from website.


2.Apache Tomcat

3. Perl

Bugzilla package

install one by one

all the software should be installed in the same directory.

go through the read me files

December 21, 2006 04:00:12



Member Since: December 2006 Total Comments: 3

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...


This is Lakshmi Prasanna.BugZilla is a bug tracking using this we can

log a that it will send a mail to developper to whom it may concern.

there are some fields to file a bug like-

1)build no:On which build the bug has been identified.

2)assigned to:to whom it was assigned to fix.

3)posted by:the mail id of the person who is posting the bug.

4)date :on which date it was posted.


6)cause :y that bug has been identified?

7)description:problem description.

8)steps to reproduce:u need to give the steps to reoroduce it.

then u have to submit it.

what ever the changes has been made to this webpage it gives a mail alert.

December 30, 2006 02:11:08



Testing Expert Member Since: September 2006 Total Comments: 242

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Kavya, It's enough to know that bugzilla is a bug tracking tool, and how it works.The main concept you should familiar with is that what is bug tracking?and questions related to bug tracking.

January 25, 2007 02:13:31



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Hi swapna and RaghuPlease let me know the clear details of Bugzilla one of my coligue told me that "Its a bugtracking tool but we can't down load this tool with free of cost, It is too cost to buy.Keep in touchRama.

February 06, 2007 22:54:43



Member Since: Visitor Total Comments: N/A

RE: If anybody have the knowledge of Bugzilla, Please ...

Hi Rama, I contradict the statement that Bugzilla is expensive. In my company we are using it for free of cost. Its totally freeware. But you need to install several Softwares to support this application. Its Server based Bug Tracking Tool. It can be configured on Linux/Win machines. But installation is bit difficult. Its not straight forward. For more info check URL://



#suppose that you are running tests on the windows calculators and find that 1/1=2,2/2=1,3/3=10,4/4=1,5/5=26&6/6=1..write a bug description that effectively describes this problem...iits urgent

Title: Dividing two odd numbers gives an answer that's one too much


Test Case: Simple division

Setup steps: Start version 1.0 of calculator

Repro steps:Try dividing two odd numbers such as 1/1,3/3,and 5/5

Excepted Results:Correct answer for all calculations--1/1=1,3/3=1…..

Actual Results: For two odd numbers, the answer is one too high--- 1/1=2,3/3=10,5/5=11, and so on.

RE: suppose that you are running tests on the windows ...

Defect Title: Dividing two odd numbers gives Wrong answer

Defect Description: dividing two odd numbers such as 1/1,3/3,and 5/5 gives wrong Result.

when we tries to Devide a ODD number with itself it gives Result as square of the Number + 1.

Example for 5: 5/5= Result: 5*5+1= 26

Similarly For 3: 3/3 = Result: 3*3+1= 10

and So on...

Excepted Results:Correct answer for all calculations--1/1=1,3/3=1, 5/5=1 and So on

RE: suppose that you are running tests on the windows ...







Date: 18/12/2006

Last Updated:Srini

Last Updated Date:18/21/2006

Feature/Requirement/Use Case ID and Description:

Feature: Team Content - Security.

Use Cases:


Description of test case:

To check the division of the Two number in Calculator


· Calculator is installed in the system

All prerequisites are met.


Go to start menu in the window menu bar.

A Dropdown list should be displayed with list of available options.


Navigate Programs->Accessories-> and click on the Calculator option

The Calculator should be opened with defiantly displayed with 0 in the calculator display screen.


Use division operator (/) for giving different data.

Ex:- 1/1,3/3

System should display the result(1) in the calc display screen.


Click on the Close(X) option in the Calc.

The Calc should be closed.

What do we do when we get a bug in an application first? Explain it with the help of an example of

After confirming it as a Bug, You have to post it in bug tracking tool. Then the status of the Bug will be "New". Your team lead or any senior person will review it and if it is really a bug, then he will change the status to "Open". If he confirms that it is not a bug, he will close the bug and change the status to "Closed".

All the Open status bugs will be mailed to the development team. Their team lead will assign the bugs to the corresponding developer. He will change the status to "Assign" and add the corresponding developer name. When the developer fixes that bug, he changes the bug status to "Test".

If the development team lead confirms that this is not a bug, then he rejects that bug with valid reasons. Then the status of that bug will be "Rejected".

If he confirms that this is not required for the current build, but may be useful for the future releases, then he changes the status of the bug as "Deferred". All the Deferred bugs will be considered for future releases

All the Test status bugs will be mailed to the testing team. The corresponding tester tests that bug in the new build or patch and change the status to "Closed" if it is fixed otherwise to "Re-Open" if it is not fixed.

All the Re-Open bugs will be mailed to the development team and then the above cycle repeats.

what do mean by bug tracking?give example?

Bug tracking is the process you use to address programming errors found. This process includes recording the bug, reviewing it, recording the fix needed, and deciding whether or not the bug will be fixed considering budget and schedule. Keeping good records of decisions made will help to control the scope of the project. Bug tracking also enables you to know what was done with identified issues, why the system was changed, and what future changes to consider.

What is meant by P1 bug? any another similar bugs

P1 bug is the priority 1 bug that means without solving or fixing this bug the application can not continued. we rate the bugs based on the priority and siviority. p1, p2,p3,p4.
p1 bugs also called as showstopper bugs

P1 bugs are the highest priority bugs, without fixing P1 bugs the product cannot be shipped

P1 bug is a critical bug which needs an immediate fix without which the application can't continue functioning. P1 bug needs an immediate attention and needs to be fixed within 4 hours from the time it's been reported.

For example, let's consider a banking application. If the server is crashing for every 2 mins then it's a P1 bug.

#.What is test data we must specify in test cases?How to log bugs in bugzilla?What is code coverage testing?how do we write load test case for a portal?

Test Data : It's the set of data/values needed for executing each test case. In other words, it's the input values you give for executing a test case.

Logging bugs in bugzilla :

1. As soon as you login to bugzilla click on "New" link in the actions section. It will take you to the page where you can log a bug along with other details
2. In the bug log page, enter the details like Version, Component, OS, Platform, Severity, Priority, Assigned To, Summary, Description etc.
3. Click on the 'Commit' button. Bug is logged and assigned to the person you have selected.

Code Coverage Testing : It's a white-box testing technique where each function in the code is mapped to a functional point. This is to test the parts of code which is rarely or never accesed under normal conditions. The two types of code coverage testing are Statement coverage and Path coverage testing.

Test data is used while doing end to end testing (Product test), Basically end to end testing is done by inputting the the realistic data(In the real scenario). so while writing the test cases i actually make the data requirement based on the scenario. which is created by the the data modelling team and used the same while execution.
Test data is a set of input values that is needed to execute the test ,it can be any dummy data or data given by the client.

To log a defect in Bugzilla after you login1) Click on New Defect link2)Enter all the detail information required3)In the bug log page, enter the details like Version, Component, OS, Platform, Severity, Priority, Assigned To, Summary, Description etc.Attach a snap shot or print screen or logs if any.
4)Once you complete the Information on the Defect , assign the defect to the concern Developer with Email ID.Here you can also CC the Defect to Couple of Members like Project Mgr ,Team Lead adn you .
5)Click on Commit to save the bug.

Code Coverage Testing is a white box testing technique which determines the amount of code that has been executed during the testing .It assumes the pathof logic is being executed

#What is biggest bug you ever found in Testing Environment ?please let me know i had this question in my interview (urgent)Thank you

what is the difference between bug, defect, problem , fault and issue

According to me the definition and difference is as under:

Error: It is the term used to describe a non-conformance to the explicitly stated requirement.
For example: Let me explain with an example. If the requirement mentions 5 Plus 3 Divided by 4; the programmer codes to add 5 and 3 first; and then divides the result [8] by 4 to arrive at result 2.
But if the actual/intended application requirement is to first divide 3 by 4 and then add 5; expecting a result 5.75 then this is a classic Design/Code Error.

Bug: Assume that the programmer has actually understood the intended requirement correctly but has declared/stored the result as an integer to show a result of 5 instead of 5.75 – this is called a Bug. Here the programmer has to declare the variable as “double or float” and not “int”.

Defect: A defect is any of the above but found/un-covered in the “released-application” - running in the “Production Servers” [gone “Live”] or may be in “Beta-Release”.

“Defect Trackers” have been christened as such, because they are used to report “Defects” in the software post-release; whereas the issues reported by the Testing Team are predominantly called “Incident Reports” and not “Defect Reports”!

However each organization follows its own terminologies for different contexts and processes; many individuals, may want to contradict and confront me with his/her opinion, on this. But that is a fact-of-life in Software Industry and an Occupational Hazard at that!!!

Fault: When the application runs without any issues in the intended Production Environment under normal circumstances, but misbehaves after continuously running for about a month or after performing about a million transactions, then we call this condition as Fault.

Let me explain this with an example – Lets say an ‘Order Entry cum Processing’ application has been deployed in a server accessed by public to place orders for movie tickets. Initially when the application starts running – that is when the Application Server is re-started with old log files trashed/removed – the application runs with a throughput of 100 transactions per minute. But after about one million transactions, if the application’s throughput reduces to about 50 transactions per minute, then, we call this condition as a FAULT.

Technically, in this case, probably the Database connections are not closed properly, leading to too many Open Connections and hence waiting for a DB connection-object in the Connection Pool - leading to degradation of performance/throughput. Or may be the application is constructed to create avoidable “new” objects and expecting the JVM to clean up the garbage – which may also cause degradation in throughput over time. This is what I call as Fault. On restart the application works fine – so this is a classic case, where you don’t find any apparent Error.

Oxford Definitions are as under:

ERROR >>> noun 1 a mistake. 2 the state of being wrong in conduct or judgment. 3 technical a measure of the estimated difference between the observed or calculated value of a quantity and its true value.

ORIGIN Latin, from errare ‘to stray, err’

BUG >>> noun - an error in a computer program or system.

ORIGIN of unknown origin

DEFECT >>> noun - a shortcoming, imperfection, or lack.

ORIGIN Latin defectus, from deficere ‘desert or fail’

FAULT >>> noun 1 an unattractive or unsatisfactory feature; a defect or mistake. 2 responsibility for an accident or misfortune. 3 (in tennis) a service that infringes the rules. 4 Geology an extended break in a rock formation, marked by the relative displacement and discontinuity of strata.

DERIVATIVES faultless adjective faultlessly adverb.

ORIGIN from Latin fallere ‘deceive’

Santosh Malvi

What is Test Summary Report ? What are its contents, its format and fields

Test summary report gives the status of Testing by us,it is nothing but daily report regarding testing .
It consists of different columns based on the company.Some of the columns are
Test case field
No.of test cases executed
No.of pass
No.of fail
Pass percentage
Fail percentage

#.If the customer requirements are changing continuously as a tester how you are going to manage the situation?Suppose you have prepared test cases but still some more time is required to receive the build in between time what you can do?How you know the bug you sent is fixed or not?

If the customer changing the reqs ... : If the change came in between the testing time of previous requirement ( change) then i can stop testing and intimated to my TL... if the change came after completion testing of prev change then i can go for testing .. I think in this situation we can't do anything like reporting to PM or any except doing testing for new changes.. at present we doing like this only.. coz all the risk analysis, cost estimations are already done by PM and given it for testing..

Suppose you have.... : In between we can review test cases ( by me or peer).. try to prepare effective test cases , or can test application upto completion part if possible...

How you know..... : 1. Daily we check the BTS for bug status

2. Actually we sent a mail with bugs to concerned developers to fixed, he revert back with status of bugs, then we can go for re testing.

3.If using any test management tool, if automatic email configuration is configured then concerned tester should receive a conformance email that the bug is fixed...